Aqua Survey has worked for over a decade to locate UXO ghosts of the past, so they can fulfill their explosive destiny in a humane manner.
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There are many types of ghosts that haunt. There are the ghosts that haunt us for things we did or didn’t do. Sometimes, ghosts are derived from unfulfilled destinies. Unexploded bombs and other UXO never fulfilled their intended destinies – exploding. Aqua Survey has worked for over a decade to locate UXO ghosts of the past, so they can fulfill their explosive destiny in a humane manner.
When our detection equipment detects potential UXO, an EOD team will then ideally be able to put eyes on the object to determine if it is an UXO and if so, if it is still viable. If it is, in an ideal situation, technicians might opt to use a controlled detonation to destroy it. That’s called a “Blow In Place” – BIP.
The movie Ghost Busters was fantasy. However, the Geonics EM61-LX2, developed by Geonics and fine-tuned in Laos by Aqua Survey, has already proven to be an exceptional UXO ghost detector.
If you need sampling or survey assistance on your project, call today for a consultation at (908) 347-2955 or email us at